Friday, May 31, 2019

Maymester Festival: Day 31

A good note… I wrote 527 words for my novel tonight.  Yas!  I’m ready. #revitalizedagain

Maymester Festival: Day 31

First off, why am I still calling this Maymester Festival?  Good grief.  But… that’s that!

On a high note… I found out about JuNoWriMo today.  So excited.  It’s a novel writing challenge for June.  God answers prayers.  Ain’t He good.  So, I’ve signed up and I’m ready to go.  Working on Goals for the challenge right now.  I’m excited! #revitalizedagain
Let’s go Dea!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Maymester Festival: Day 30

So, I entered the Thursday outline into Scrivener for Resurrection Sunday.  I’m somewhat upset to see that I haven’t even gotten halfway through Thursday.  I’m so slacking behind with this novel.  It’s my endeavor to finish with Thursday within the first two weeks of June.  I’m going to work hard to do it.  I gotta get myself together.  Lord, help me.  This is ridiculous.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Maymester Festival: Day 29

Worked more on transferring Resurrection Sunday to Scrivener.  Getting me more excited.  Deciding on a goal for June.  I wish I had a challenge group to work specifically with for the month of June.  I need some accountability.

I’m excited about June.  I’m ready to write.  May will be a rest month.  So, there’s December, January, March, May, September as rest months.

February and October will be editing months.  Writing months will be April, June, July, August, and November.  October will be prep month for NaNoWriMo as well.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Maymester Festival: Day 28

I didn’t write anything today, but I discovered Scrivener.  It’s a novel writing software.  I transferred Resurrection Sunday over to the program.  It sparked some stimulation for me to get excited about the story again.  I still don’t feel like writing, but I’m excited about the prospect.  It’s been fun setting everything up in the software.  #revitalizedagain

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Monday, May 20, 2019

Maymester Festival: Day 20

Still too tired to write.  Ugh!  Maymester Festival has been a failure.  I may have to add May to the rest month list.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Maymester Festival: Day 12

Well, Day 12, nothing written.  This ain't even right.  Still struggling.  Well, the semester is almost over, hopefully, I can write.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Maymester Festival: Day 5

Maymester Festival is off to a bad start so far.  Haven’t been able to write anything.  Probably has to do with the end of the semester.  Thank God it’s almost over.  I’m tired this semester.

Looking forward to writing this month.

WORKING my Vision!

Finishing What I Started

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