Friday, November 30, 2018

NaNoWriMo Reflection... Day 30

Cross Post from Writing A Novel Once A Year!

It’s day 30, the final day of NaNoWriMo.  I wanted to finish like I started, with writing on the first two days and writing on the last two days.  I didn’t make it.  Days 29 and 30 were no writing days.  I can’t really say why.  I think I was through with NaNo at that point.  I didn’t want to write anymore.  Or perhaps, I’m just ready for Christmas.  Who knows?

I’m glad I was able to “win” NaNo, even though the novel isn’t finished.  I’ll finish it in December.  I’ll have time off from working, so it’ll give me something to do during the winter break.

Until next year, NaNo, it’s been real.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

NaNoWriMo Day 26

Well, technically I'm finished with NaNoWriMo because I've won all my rewards.  I'll keep writing on That Single Preacher because it's far from finished.


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

NaNoWriMo Reflection... Day 20

Cross Post from Writing A Novel Once A Year!

It’s day twenty.  Ten days left in the month.  I’m somewhat nervous because I’m a little over 2,000 words away from 50,000, but my novel is only halfway finished.  I’m somewhat discombobulated because I’ve never finished a NaNo novel.  I mean not one.  Allegations (my NaNo novel for 2006) was turned into Subtle Manipulations and I finished Subtle Manipulations, so in theory, you could say I finished a NaNo novel, but I don’t feel like I should count it.

My outline has 30 more chapters left to write.  I’m still struggling to get started writing, but once I get started, the words flow easier.  I don’t know if it has to do with my shoulder hurting, me being tired, or me just not wanting to write.  I haven’t had an autumn when I didn’t feel like writing.  My off season is usually during Spring when my allergies are acting up and I’m taking meds for my allergies.  Perhaps, it’s the meds that I’m taking for my shoulder pain that has me in a bit of a slow writing funk.

I’m trying to keep writing.  I’m pushing to finish the novel in ten days, but I don’t think it will happen realistically.  Overall, I know I’m going to “win” NaNoWriMo, but my novel won’t be finished.

I’m getting upset.  I’ll have five projects that aren’t written.  I’ll have one that I need to edit and revise.  Ugh!

More Rewards

I'm going to need more rewards  because my novel is going to be over 100,000 words.  SMH!

Reward Earned

NaNoWriMo Day 20

Thursday, November 15, 2018

NaNoWriMo Reflection... Day 15

Cross Post from Writing A Novel Once A Year!

It’s day fifteen.  Half way through with NaNoWriMo.  It’s been interesting.  I’m doing better with writing day to day.

Cornelia, my main female character has taken over the story.  LOL!  She’s decided that she needed to have her input on the story.  What she’s been suggesting is okay, but it’s not on my outline.  Oh well.  Someone told me that perhaps she knows what’s best for the story.  We’ll see.

I was feeling good because I was at over 34,000 words.  Then, I looked at my outline and realized that I had over 50 chapters.  I budgeted 2,000 words for each chapter.  That means that I’ll need over 100,000 words to complete the novel.  Uh oh… I’m not even to the half way point.  LOL!

I better get to writing and step my game up if I plan on finishing the novel by November 30th.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

NaNoWriMo Reflection... 10 Days In

Cross Post from Writing A Novel Once A Year!

It’s day 10 (I'm posting on Day 11.  Day 10 was Saturday.  Saturdays are my day off.).  This week was rough.  I got the news that two people I know died.  It was extra hard because they were both under 35 years old.  Ironically, I wrote the part of my novel where my character’s daughter was killed in a tragic car accident.  I was a bit sad as I was writing.  It was hard not to cry.  I can get emotional when I write.

The writing has gotten a little easier, but, I still don’t feel like myself because of the shoulder pain.  UGH!  So tired of that.  I’m still ahead of schedule.  I’m at 25,093 words.  WOW!  I’m impressed and I feel good, too.

I’m introducing my characters now.  It’s been fun writing them and having them talk to me.  This is my favorite part of writing novels.  I get to know my characters intimately.  It’s like they become family.  They even go to be with me.  I have to shut my mind off and ignore them so I can go to sleep.

Speaking of sleep…  I’m not getting good sleep because of my shoulder pain.  UGH! Trying to find something to help with that… permanently.

I’m still meeting my goals.  That’s good.

Looking forward to the next five days.  What will they bring?

Here’s a parting quote… Motivation!

Rough Patch

I hit a rough patch this week.  Missed three days of writing.

Awe man!

Monday, November 5, 2018

NaNoWriMo Reflection... 5 Days In

Cross Post from Writing A Novel Once A Year!

We're five days into NaNoWriMo and things are going a little slowly.  I’m struggling to get started.  No really sure why.  Perhaps it’s because it’s an old story.  Perhaps it’s because I don’t really want to do NaNo.  Perhaps it’s because my shoulder is sore and I don’t feel like myself.  I don’t even know.

Once I get started writing, I get in the flow of things and it comes rather easily.  That’s the one good thing about this.  My five day total is 15,662.  I’m far ahead.  Wow!  Never expected to be that far ahead, but it feels good.  I’m meeting my goals for NaNo.

  • I’m writing 8,000 words/week.
  • Completing at least 4 chapters each week.
  • Each chapter has 2,000 or more words.

The story is going well.  I feel like I’m telling a story worth reading. I never feel as if my story isn’t worth telling.  I think it has to do with me telling my students…

You have a story to tell… So tell it!


I have to tell my story.  Well, NaNo2018 is off to a good start.

WORKING my Vision!

Finishing What I Started

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