Thursday, May 31, 2018

Tomorrow, I'm Relaxing...

I'm taking tomorrow off.  It's a much needed break for the summer.  I haven't had a "break" since I went right into Maymester.  Still considering taking Monday off as well.  I'll decide later.


Wrote Some Today

Wrote some more today.  Worked on Gossip.  It's coming along well.  Can't wait to be finished.

Writing Treats...

Writing & snacking again...

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Working on finishing up Maymester.  June is gonna be a massive writing month.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Worked on Gossip a little today.

Today... 1 Word... Rough

Today has been a rough day.  I broke the towel rack in my bathroom.  As I attempted to fix it, I hit my thumb with the hammer.  I missed up the wall because of the screws.  It’s hot, and I had to go back to the store to get a second set of items to fix it.  I’m sweating like crazy.  Went to three stores that didn’t have what I needed.  Finally found a fix.  My thumb is hurting.  I’m tired and hot.  My left thigh is cramping, and I don’t know why.  Plus, I have a headache.

I wanna go somewhere and take a nap for three days.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Got Some Work Done...

Today was rough, but I got some work done.  I wrote a chapter in Gossip.  It was good to write.  I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day for me.

Not Feeling Well...

Feeling under the weather.  Still trying to press through.  I may have to go take a 20-minute power nap.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Gossip Outlined...

I outlined Gossip today.  It's done and ready to be finished.

Let's get it done.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Work Done

I'll be able to mark off a few of my goals for the summer as completed in a couple of days. I'm so excited!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Almost Done With Spring Semester

I'm almost done with the Spring Semester.  I can begin working on my Summer writing goals.

I'm working today.  Excited about this summer.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

One More Today...

I created the front and back covers for Love Dictates * My Poetry Chapbook - Spring 2015.


Another One Done...

I created the front and back covers for Shenanigans * My Poetry Chapbook  - Summer 2013


Task Done...

I created the front and back covers for Sermons, Religion, & The Civil Rights Movement.


The Next Step

My next task is to edit Subtle Manipulation.

That is going to be one serious task!

Task #1: Print Subtle Manipulations

Task number one on my to-do list for the summer of no excuses was to print my manuscript Subtle Manipulation.

It's been done... it was 332 pages! I just destroyed a tree, I'm sorry.

Goals for The Summer #noexcuses

Here are my goals for the summer.  Whew!  I’m gonna be working hard.

  • Print Subtle Manipulation
  • Edit Subtle Manipulation

  • Create Cover for Sermons, Religion, & The Civil Rights Movement
  • Create Back Cover for Sermons, Religion, & The Civil Rights Movement
  • Publish Sermons, Religion, & The Civil Rights Movement
  • Create Cover for Shenanigans * My Poetry Chapbook  - Summer 2013
  • Create Back Cover for Shenanigans * My Poetry Chapbook  - Summer 2013
  • Publish Shenanigans * My Poetry Chapbook  -Summer 2013
  • Create Cover for Love Dictates * My Poetry Chapbook  -Spring 2015
  • Create Back Cover for Love Dictates * My Poetry Chapbook  -Spring 2015
  • Publish Love Dictates * My Poetry Chapbook  - Spring 2015

  • Outline Those Family Lies

  • Outline Gossip
  • Create Cover for Gossip
  • Complete/Write Gossip
  • Complete/Write Resurrection Sunday

  • Publish Subtle Manipulation

Time Permitting
  • Copyright Resurrection Sunday
  • Print Resurrection Sunday
  • Edit Resurrection Sunday

  • Copyright Gossip
  • Print Gossip
  • Edit Gossip

Monday, May 7, 2018


I’ve been telling my aunt that I’m going to publish my book, Subtle Manipulations, one of these days.  So, this summer, I’ve decided, this is the summer/year to do it.

How it came about?
On the first Sunday service of the year, I went down and requested prayer to get my book published, so I can’t have the person who prayed for me have prayed for nothing, so, I’m doing it.
My aunt and brother want the book published, so I better get it done.
Since, writing is my way of freeing myself, first, then helping others, and that’s why I wrote this book, I gotta get it done.

Why this blog?
It’s a way of being accountable.  My girl, Mrs. Barree says you have to be accountable, so this is how I’m gonna do it.
I’m ready and inspired to get to work!


Summertime... Almost Here...

I'm getting ready for the summer.  I have lots of things going on, goals to meet, and writing to write.  I'll keep you posted here as a way of being accountable for completing my goals this summer.

Two more days... then I'm on break!

WORKING my Vision!

Finishing What I Started

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