Monday, May 7, 2018


I’ve been telling my aunt that I’m going to publish my book, Subtle Manipulations, one of these days.  So, this summer, I’ve decided, this is the summer/year to do it.

How it came about?
On the first Sunday service of the year, I went down and requested prayer to get my book published, so I can’t have the person who prayed for me have prayed for nothing, so, I’m doing it.
My aunt and brother want the book published, so I better get it done.
Since, writing is my way of freeing myself, first, then helping others, and that’s why I wrote this book, I gotta get it done.

Why this blog?
It’s a way of being accountable.  My girl, Mrs. Barree says you have to be accountable, so this is how I’m gonna do it.
I’m ready and inspired to get to work!


WORKING my Vision!

Finishing What I Started

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