Thursday, June 7, 2018

From Writing Today...

Excerpt from Gossip...


Angela was tired of Tammy in her head.  She got up and walked outside of her building.  She went to the back entrance of the building, since no one was usually back there.  But, much to her dismay, the lady she had talked to in the hallway earlier was out there with another lady.  They both had bibles in their hands ad they looked deep in conversation.  She walked in the other direction, hoping to avoid them.
No such luck.  “Angela, come over here for a second.”
She blew a breath and pretended she didn’t hear the woman.”
The woman spoke louder.  “Angela, can you come over here for a second?”
She turned around and looked at the two ladies.  Of all the people I see out here… This Bible thumping woman… I ain’t in the mood for no Bible study.  I got things to do.”
She walked towards the women.  “Hello, ladies.  I need to run to my car right quick.  I don’t have a lot of time.  what can I do for you?”
“Karlyn told me that she spoke to you earlier today about Pastor Page.  I was happy to hear that it wasn’t true.  That’s a true blessing.  Praise God.”
Karlyn said, “Praise the Lord.”
“We need a new pastor.  I really liked Pastor Page.  He’s very genuine and you can feel the love he had for God’s people.  it’s a shame that people want to talk about people.  it’s just not right.  I need whoever’s spreading this vicious rumor to read Psalm 34:13. Karlyn, get that in your Bible for me and read it.  We need to hear that right now.”
Angela looked at the door of the building.  What’s the quickest way to sneak back in the building.
Karlyn said, “Keep your tongue from sin and your lips from speaking lies.”
“Yes, Lord.  I hear you.  We need to watch our tongues and stop lying.  And that’s what this mess is lies.  The Lord will judge every lying tongue.”
Angela rubbed her eyes.  “Amen.  That’s a good word for today.  Ladies, I need to go.  It’s been nice talking to you.  I gotta go.”
“Sweet darling sister.  Don’t run off so quickly.  I feel lead to pray for our dear brother Pastor Page.  Since, he’s a part of your family, you should be the one to pray for him.  Let’s join hands.”
Angela shook her head.  Seriously, I ain’t got time for this.  Woman, please.
She smiled at the woman.  “I think you should pray, since you were lead to do so.”
“That’s good, but we can all say a prayer.  One can chase a thousand… two ten thousand… Lord, if we put three on them… It’s gonna be powerful.  Yes, Lord.”
Karlyn said, “Amen,”
She blew a breath.  “We don’t have time for three prayers right now.  You can just pray.  I believe God is working through you right because you are on it.  I mean.  I feel the power you are flowing in right now.  All we need is an organ, and we can have some church right here.”
She hoped that would convince the woman to go on and pray or else she’d have to walk off.  She hadn’t come out here for all this.  She was trying to get one holy roller out of her head, only to run into the mother of all holy rollers.  She just wanted to leave.
“Well, blessed be the Lamb of God.  I’m going to gone and pray with such encouragement as that.  Let’s join hands.”
“God, please let this be a short prayer.


Was it a short prayer?  You'll have to wait to find out.

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