Tuesday, July 3, 2018

My Personal Note on Outlining

I am a big believer in outlining.  I outline almost every document that I write.  I have had an outline that was over 20 pages long.  It was for a novel that I was writing.  I went back and reviewed my outline, only to find out that I had not been following the outline.  That was okay.  It happens like that sometimes.

Outlining, mapping a piece of writing, or drawing a diagram of a document is a great way to keep on task.  It may not be a formal outline, but even having a list will help you stay on track.

One thing I recommend when doing an outline for a research paper is to place quotes or a numbering system for your quotes in your outline.  This will prevent you from having to search for your quotes once you start writing your paper.

A last thought about outlines…  It can help you break up your writing (long essays in particular) into sections.  By breaking up a long essay into smaller sections, it will make the writing seem less fearful.

WORKING my Vision!

Finishing What I Started

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