Sunday, August 12, 2018

Day 12: Ninth Graders

(Cross post from Adventures of an English Professor

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“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

Lord, we thank You for students who are growing up to become young people.  As the young people enter a new aspect of their education, we pray that their encounter with secondary education is a good one.  Lord, let them know that they must grow up and begin to take seriously their path in life.  Let their parents nurture them and give them room to grow up freely.  We know these students will make mistakes, but Lord, let the mistakes be as minimal as possible.  Let them learn from their mistakes.  Encourage their hearts and minds to want to learn.  Let them encounter teachers who will help them grow into excellent students who develop a love of life-long learning.  Let them encounter upper classmen that will help them and mentor them as they go through the 9th grade.  Let this first year of high school be an amazing year filled with love, learning, nurturing, and growth. Thank You. Amen.

Go a Step Further:
If you drive by any high school(s) take a moment to whisper this prayer as you drive by.  If you don’t drive by any high school(s), purposely drive by a school and pray this prayer.

WORKING my Vision!

Finishing What I Started

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