Sunday, November 11, 2018

NaNoWriMo Reflection... 10 Days In

Cross Post from Writing A Novel Once A Year!

It’s day 10 (I'm posting on Day 11.  Day 10 was Saturday.  Saturdays are my day off.).  This week was rough.  I got the news that two people I know died.  It was extra hard because they were both under 35 years old.  Ironically, I wrote the part of my novel where my character’s daughter was killed in a tragic car accident.  I was a bit sad as I was writing.  It was hard not to cry.  I can get emotional when I write.

The writing has gotten a little easier, but, I still don’t feel like myself because of the shoulder pain.  UGH!  So tired of that.  I’m still ahead of schedule.  I’m at 25,093 words.  WOW!  I’m impressed and I feel good, too.

I’m introducing my characters now.  It’s been fun writing them and having them talk to me.  This is my favorite part of writing novels.  I get to know my characters intimately.  It’s like they become family.  They even go to be with me.  I have to shut my mind off and ignore them so I can go to sleep.

Speaking of sleep…  I’m not getting good sleep because of my shoulder pain.  UGH! Trying to find something to help with that… permanently.

I’m still meeting my goals.  That’s good.

Looking forward to the next five days.  What will they bring?

Here’s a parting quote… Motivation!

WORKING my Vision!

Finishing What I Started

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