Thursday, November 15, 2018

NaNoWriMo Reflection... Day 15

Cross Post from Writing A Novel Once A Year!

It’s day fifteen.  Half way through with NaNoWriMo.  It’s been interesting.  I’m doing better with writing day to day.

Cornelia, my main female character has taken over the story.  LOL!  She’s decided that she needed to have her input on the story.  What she’s been suggesting is okay, but it’s not on my outline.  Oh well.  Someone told me that perhaps she knows what’s best for the story.  We’ll see.

I was feeling good because I was at over 34,000 words.  Then, I looked at my outline and realized that I had over 50 chapters.  I budgeted 2,000 words for each chapter.  That means that I’ll need over 100,000 words to complete the novel.  Uh oh… I’m not even to the half way point.  LOL!

I better get to writing and step my game up if I plan on finishing the novel by November 30th.

WORKING my Vision!

Finishing What I Started

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