Tuesday, November 20, 2018

NaNoWriMo Reflection... Day 20

Cross Post from Writing A Novel Once A Year!

It’s day twenty.  Ten days left in the month.  I’m somewhat nervous because I’m a little over 2,000 words away from 50,000, but my novel is only halfway finished.  I’m somewhat discombobulated because I’ve never finished a NaNo novel.  I mean not one.  Allegations (my NaNo novel for 2006) was turned into Subtle Manipulations and I finished Subtle Manipulations, so in theory, you could say I finished a NaNo novel, but I don’t feel like I should count it.

My outline has 30 more chapters left to write.  I’m still struggling to get started writing, but once I get started, the words flow easier.  I don’t know if it has to do with my shoulder hurting, me being tired, or me just not wanting to write.  I haven’t had an autumn when I didn’t feel like writing.  My off season is usually during Spring when my allergies are acting up and I’m taking meds for my allergies.  Perhaps, it’s the meds that I’m taking for my shoulder pain that has me in a bit of a slow writing funk.

I’m trying to keep writing.  I’m pushing to finish the novel in ten days, but I don’t think it will happen realistically.  Overall, I know I’m going to “win” NaNoWriMo, but my novel won’t be finished.

I’m getting upset.  I’ll have five projects that aren’t written.  I’ll have one that I need to edit and revise.  Ugh!

WORKING my Vision!

Finishing What I Started

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