Thursday, September 26, 2019

Closeout Week...

This is the week I closeout the 2018-2019 writing year.  It's bittersweet because I didn't finish a project.  I'm so sad, but this was my first year trying this system.  It's the learning phase.  Now, I'm ready for next year.

Here's what I learned...

1.  Plan the year out ahead of time.
2.  Plan some rest months in there for when I know I won't feel like writing on the story.
3.  Plan some months to edit and revise.
4.  Stay on top of your writing.
5.  Be willing to adjust to the flow of things.
6.  Stay with ONE (1) project for the whole year, no matter what.
7.  Stay on task for the entire year.

So, as I close out this year, I'm excited for next year.  I feel like I'm ready.

Bring on Preptober.  Let's get it!  Let's go!

Other Preptober Links...

WORKING my Vision!

Finishing What I Started

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