Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Goals for The Summer #noexcuses

Here are my goals for the summer.  Whew!  I’m gonna be working hard.

  • Print Subtle Manipulation
  • Edit Subtle Manipulation

  • Create Cover for Sermons, Religion, & The Civil Rights Movement
  • Create Back Cover for Sermons, Religion, & The Civil Rights Movement
  • Publish Sermons, Religion, & The Civil Rights Movement
  • Create Cover for Shenanigans * My Poetry Chapbook  - Summer 2013
  • Create Back Cover for Shenanigans * My Poetry Chapbook  - Summer 2013
  • Publish Shenanigans * My Poetry Chapbook  -Summer 2013
  • Create Cover for Love Dictates * My Poetry Chapbook  -Spring 2015
  • Create Back Cover for Love Dictates * My Poetry Chapbook  -Spring 2015
  • Publish Love Dictates * My Poetry Chapbook  - Spring 2015

  • Outline Those Family Lies

  • Outline Gossip
  • Create Cover for Gossip
  • Complete/Write Gossip
  • Complete/Write Resurrection Sunday

  • Publish Subtle Manipulation

Time Permitting
  • Copyright Resurrection Sunday
  • Print Resurrection Sunday
  • Edit Resurrection Sunday

  • Copyright Gossip
  • Print Gossip
  • Edit Gossip

WORKING my Vision!

Finishing What I Started

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