Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Importance of the Writing Process

The Writing Process is important to every writer, no matter the level they are at in their writing endeavors.

It helps you plan your work, write it, edit and revise it, then ultimately publish it.  Research has shown that people, specifically children become better writers when they use the writing process. This is discussed in an article entitled, “A Classroom Investigation of the Growth of Metacognitive Awareness in Kindergarten Children through the Writing Process” by Geralyn M. Jacobs.

Using the writing process:
  • Helps writers build confidence in their writing
  • Provides structure and organization, especially if the writer feels lost or doubtful
  • Promotes independence and self-direction
  • Helps writers think about their writing
  • Helps writers improve their writing
  • Helps writers share their work

The steps are: Pre-Writing, Writing, Editing, Revising, & Publishing.  Each step is important when completing a writing project.  The process is recursive, which means you may have to revisit a step that you have already completed.  But, that is okay.  It is a process.

Let’s look at each step.

Pre-Writing is thinking about what you are writing.  This is the first step you should take when writing.  It could be thinking, taking notes, brainstorming, and gathering information.  A crucial phase in pre-writing is to create an outline or writing map for your project.  This is important because it helps you see what you are going to write and gives you a road map that can keep you on task.

Writing is sometimes called Drafting.  During this stage, you write.  You take what you gathered in the pre-writing step and put it on paper.  This is where your idea comes to life.  It is writer-centered.  It is important that you do not edit or revise during this step.  That can be hard, but you must WRITE during the writing stage.

Revising is making sure your writing sounds good.  Revising is reader-centered.  This is where you think about your audience.  You make sure your words are right, your sentences are concise and accurate, and your ideas are clear.

Editing is where you check to see how your writing looks.  You check for errors such as grammar, mechanics, and spelling.  This stage is important because it makes sure your work is correct.  Always edit before publishing.  And, always edit after you have added to your work after revision.

Publishing is where you share your writing.  You can either submit it for a class, ask a friend to read it, or post it online on your social media.  This is a crucial step because it allows you to see the finished product, as well as share your work with others.

The writing process makes writing easier.

WORKING my Vision!

Finishing What I Started

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