Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Outlining – Yes, I’m Talking about Outlining

Outlining helps you organize your writing.  It creates a structure for your writing.  It is a great way to begin writing.  It will help you have a clear and logical order to your writing.  It will also help you when you begin to revise your work.

When outlining, you can use sentences or phrases.  Be sure you develop a method of outlining that works for you.  You can use a formal system, that is typewritten with an ordered numbering system, or an informal system, that is handwritten.  You could even start with an informal outline and turn it into a formal outline.

Here are some important things to remember when outlining:

Your purpose – you must remember what you are writing and why you are writing it.  This is key to creating an effective outline, and ultimately writing a brilliant piece of work.

The key points – you must be sure to include the important things that you want to talk about.  This is the meat of your writing project.  If you do not have enough key points your work will not be as good as it could be.

The supporting details – you must add details to your writing to support what you are saying or to explain what you are writing.  Having enough details will help your reader understand what you are writing more, and it will enhance your work.  Adding these to the outline can be helpful, although there may be times when a supporting detail will pop into your head as you are writing.  Be sure to make a note on your outline to remind yourself that you added something that was not in your original outline.

A terrific introduction – you must grab your reader’s attention from the beginning.  Having a well-written introduction is valuable.  This takes some time to learn, but it is a good skill to learn and practice.

An excellent conclusion – you must end your writing for your reader.  You cannot leave your readers hanging.  Having an upset or confused reader is horrible.  You want to leave your reader with some closure.

Use your outline as you write – you must write from your outline.  Why create an outline and not use it?  It will keep you on track and help you stay organized as you write.

Be flexible – you must be willing to be open to changes as you write.  Sometimes as you begin to write from your outline, you can have a creative flash that may cause you to stray from your outline.  That is okay.  There are times when this will produce some excellent writing.  Go with it, but do not get to far off track.

Review your outline after writing – you must review look at your outline after you write.  You may be inspired to deviate from your outline every now and then.  It is vital that you go back and review your outline to see if you left any important things out if you did have creative flashes while writing.

Remember, outlining will help you avoid getting stuck when writing, keep you on task, and help you stay organized.  So…

WORKING my Vision!

Finishing What I Started

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