Tuesday, July 31, 2018

26 Days of Prayer 4 Schools

(Cross post from Adventures of an English Professor https://adventuresofprofboone.blogspot.com/)

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There are 26 days left before I start classes.  The Lord laid it on my heart to pray a specific pray each day for schools.  So, from August 1 (tomorrow) through August 26, I’ll be praying for schools.  I’m sharing this idea with you and ask that you join me in prayer.  Each day I’ll post a scripture, a prayer, and a challenge to go a step further.


Work on things for Fall 2018 again today.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Friday, July 27, 2018

Went to the Doctor...

I have tendinitis in my shoulder.  Ugh!

I have to limit my arm and shoulder movement.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Still Having Shoulder Pains

I'm still having shoulder pains.  Only been working on coaching for Richland and working on Summer II for Collin.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Shoulder Pain...

I've been having shoulder pain all day.  Don't feel like working.

I gotta find a new doctor.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Vacation Week

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The struggle is real...

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Wrote a Chapter of Gossip

I wrote a chapter of Gossip today.  Things are about to heat up and get messy.

Here's some things that are going to happen... some more dirt will be dished, minds will be changed, an argument will happen, and there may be a punch or two thrown.  Who knows?

Ultimately, lives will be changed.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Edited Subtle Manipulations

I edited some of Subtle Manipulations.

My Personal Note on the Importance of Editing & Revising

I feel that editing and revising are two different occurrences and should be done in two different steps.  Unfortunately, most of my students think they can be done in one step and need to be taught that it is two steps.  Many of them feel that they are the same thing.  Thankfully, after the lesson on editing and revising, they change their minds.

In the past, I felt that it didn’t matter which order you performed these steps in, but now, I beginning to change my thinking.  Revising should be done first, then editing.  Editing should be the last thing you do before you publish your work.

You must look at your work to make sure it looks (editing) as good as it sounds (revising).

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Why is Editing and Revising so Important?

When writing; editing and revising are important.  They improve how your writing looks and sounds. 

Editing looks at how the writing looks.  Do you have errors in your writing?  Did you use the right words?  Are your sentences appropriate?  How do the words look as you read them on the page?  “During editing, the paper is fine-tuned for specific content, as well as organization and style at the paragraph and sentence level.”

Revising looks at how the writing sounds.  Is it readable by the audience that will be reading it?  Did you get your message across?  Does it make sense?  Are you objective?  Is your writing clear?  Is your content relevant?  “During revising, the rough draft is evaluated for the larger issues of general content, organization, and tone, by adding, deleting, and organizing information as necessary” (http://www.butte.edu/departments/cas/tipsheets/style_purpose_strategy/revising_editing.html).

Most people complete these two steps at once, but, your writing will be better if you do this in two separate steps.  Yes, it creates more work, but it greatly improves your writing.  And that’s your ultimate goal, to make your writing better.

When editing and revising, here’s an image to help you edit and revise:

It’s important to remember, that whenever you revise and make changes, you need to go back and edit your revised work.

Remember, editing checks how your writing looks and revising checks how your writing sounds.  You need make sure that your writing looks good and sounds good.  Errors can cause people to stop reading your work and disrespect you as a writer.

Edited Gossip Today...

I edited two chapters of Gossip today.  I'm still working on it.  I have 9 more chapters to finish.  It's going slow, but I'm working on it.

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Read select chapters from Gossip...

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Getting Ready for Summer II Session

I'm getting ready for the Summer II session of my Technical Writing (ENGL2311) course this week.  Haven't been able to write much.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

My Personal Note on Outlining

I am a big believer in outlining.  I outline almost every document that I write.  I have had an outline that was over 20 pages long.  It was for a novel that I was writing.  I went back and reviewed my outline, only to find out that I had not been following the outline.  That was okay.  It happens like that sometimes.

Outlining, mapping a piece of writing, or drawing a diagram of a document is a great way to keep on task.  It may not be a formal outline, but even having a list will help you stay on track.

One thing I recommend when doing an outline for a research paper is to place quotes or a numbering system for your quotes in your outline.  This will prevent you from having to search for your quotes once you start writing your paper.

A last thought about outlines…  It can help you break up your writing (long essays in particular) into sections.  By breaking up a long essay into smaller sections, it will make the writing seem less fearful.

Outlining – Yes, I’m Talking about Outlining

Outlining helps you organize your writing.  It creates a structure for your writing.  It is a great way to begin writing.  It will help you have a clear and logical order to your writing.  It will also help you when you begin to revise your work.

When outlining, you can use sentences or phrases.  Be sure you develop a method of outlining that works for you.  You can use a formal system, that is typewritten with an ordered numbering system, or an informal system, that is handwritten.  You could even start with an informal outline and turn it into a formal outline.

Here are some important things to remember when outlining:

Your purpose – you must remember what you are writing and why you are writing it.  This is key to creating an effective outline, and ultimately writing a brilliant piece of work.

The key points – you must be sure to include the important things that you want to talk about.  This is the meat of your writing project.  If you do not have enough key points your work will not be as good as it could be.

The supporting details – you must add details to your writing to support what you are saying or to explain what you are writing.  Having enough details will help your reader understand what you are writing more, and it will enhance your work.  Adding these to the outline can be helpful, although there may be times when a supporting detail will pop into your head as you are writing.  Be sure to make a note on your outline to remind yourself that you added something that was not in your original outline.

A terrific introduction – you must grab your reader’s attention from the beginning.  Having a well-written introduction is valuable.  This takes some time to learn, but it is a good skill to learn and practice.

An excellent conclusion – you must end your writing for your reader.  You cannot leave your readers hanging.  Having an upset or confused reader is horrible.  You want to leave your reader with some closure.

Use your outline as you write – you must write from your outline.  Why create an outline and not use it?  It will keep you on track and help you stay organized as you write.

Be flexible – you must be willing to be open to changes as you write.  Sometimes as you begin to write from your outline, you can have a creative flash that may cause you to stray from your outline.  That is okay.  There are times when this will produce some excellent writing.  Go with it, but do not get to far off track.

Review your outline after writing – you must review look at your outline after you write.  You may be inspired to deviate from your outline every now and then.  It is vital that you go back and review your outline to see if you left any important things out if you did have creative flashes while writing.

Remember, outlining will help you avoid getting stuck when writing, keep you on task, and help you stay organized.  So…

Syllabus Time (Summer II)

Working on my syllabus for ENGL2311 Summer II session.  It starts next week.


WORKING my Vision!

Finishing What I Started

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